About Lunchtimers generally...
The Lunchtimers'
world-wide organisation was formed on 3rd March 1995
by members of London Lunchtimers No. 1 and exists:
extend the hand of welcome and fellowship
to all those with a genuine and positive interest in Freemasonry
regardless of creed, sex or any other limitation"
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Inaugural Meeting held on 7th June 2008
Here are some more details, as received from Alun Thomas-Evans by email just after the happy event!
"I am sorry that I was unable to let anyone know but it all happened so fast and rather than slow it down it seemed best to let it gather momentum!" |
"We are likely to be meeting on Fridays, but in the evening rather than lunchtime, and we will at the beginning be peripatetic to allow us to travel around the province's of South Wales (Eastern Division), South Wales (Western Division) amid Monmouthshire and these three province's tend to work together and there is some crossover with other orders. |
We are intending to set up a website and all information will be posted on there, once it is set up I will send you the website address. |
I will be speaking to the incoming PGM for S. Wales (E.D.), the PGM for S. Wales (W.D.) and the PGM for Monmouth under the UGLE, I will also find the PGM or equivalent in the other Lady Masons, Co-Masons etc. to see if they would like to attend our next meeting." |
It is easy to see that WELSH LUNCHTIMERS carry on the true reasons for Lunchtimers' existence! Already there are joining Members who who look forward to Initiation into the Craft - and we all wish each of them well in Masonic careers in their respective Constitutions! |
Welsh Lunchtimers (#16) Committee 2008
Chairman |
Alun Thomas-Evans |
Immediate Past Chairman |
Vice Chairman |
Dr. Stephen Bassett |
Secretary |
Helen Thomas-Evans |
Treasurer |
Phil Harries |
Webmaster |
Ian Morgan |
Events Coordinator | (To be appointed) |
The Founders
(Alun Thomas-Evans, Dr. Stephen Bassett, Helen Thomas-Evans, Phil Harries & Ian
are all Permanent Members of the
Welsh Lunchtimers (#16) Committee