Amended & adopted March 2019

1)     Membership.

     a)     Membership is open to men and women who are current members of a masonic order in the UK or who are interested in Freemasonry.

     b)     Prospective members must attend a meeting before being proposed for membership.


2)     Council.

     a)     The Council shall consist of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Past Chairmen in regular attendance (i.e. at least 50% of meetings per year)

     b)     Three Council members - which must include the Chairman or Vice-Chairman - constitute a quorum.


3)     Meetings.

     a)     Meetings are to be held on the first Thursday of March, May, July, September and November and the second Thursday in January.

     b)     If the Chairman and Vice-Chairman are absent at any meeting, a Past Chairman may act as Chairman for the meeting or until the Chairman or Vice-Chairman arrives at the meeting.

     c)      Visitors may be included in discussion of business at the Chairman's discretion.


4)     Annual General Meetings.

     a)     Annual General Meetings shall be each November .

     b)     Each financial year shall commence on 1st October and end on 30th September the following year.

     c)      The Treasurer shall present annual audited accounts at the AGM.

     d)     The Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor and Master at Alms shall be elected annually at the AGM.

     e)     The officers elected shall assume office immediately after election.

     f)       Where there is more than one nomination for a post at the Annual General Meeting the candidate with the simple majority shall be deemed elected. Voting shall be by show of hands unless there is more than one nomination for a post, in which case a secret ballot will be held.


5)     Expenses.

     Expenses will be covered by a one pound levy on the cost of meals.


6)     Bank Account.

     a)     There will be at least three signatories authorised on the LL account, to include but not limited to - the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer. All cheques must be signed by any two of the signatories.

     b)     The Treasurer shall have authority to expend individual sums not exceeding £50.00 per receipt from the general LL account provided that any such expenditure shall be reported to the next meeting.


7)     Purchases.

     a)     Lapel Pins: LL will hold an adequate stock of lapel pins to enable each member and each visitor to purchase one.


8)     Dining prerequisites.

     a)     A Member having confirmed his/her intention to attend a meeting and failing to advise the Secretary by 12 noon on the Friday before the meeting that he/she will not be present shall pay the cost of the meal to LL funds.

     b)     If the Secretary has been informed of a member’s intention to bring a guest and subsequently the guest does not partake of the meal or does not attend the meeting then that member shall pay any costs incurred for that meal.


9)     Amendment to Standing Orders.

     Any amendment to the Standing Orders can only be made at the Annual General Meeting or at any Regular Meeting where at least 14 days’ notice have been given to members in writing outlining the proposed amendment/s.



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